Stanford Achievement Test Series, Tenth Edition Online:
The Stanford Achievement Test Series,Tenth Edition is now offered online for evaluating student development toward high academic standards. Stanford 10 Online is a multiple-choice assessment that helps educators determine student achievement in real time for grades 3 through 12.
Online assessments allow for automated capture, real-time reporting and scoring, and immediate normative analysis. There is no physical commitment on the part of school administrators and instructors to store, distribute, organize, and ship thousands of booklets and answer documents. The online testing format has minimal computer system requirements and provides computer readiness downloads and updates. These value-added benefits to test administrators and support staff dramatically reduce the investment of time and energy when evaluating student achievement.
This technically excellent, turnkey assessment solution provides the instrument needed for objective measurement of achievement coupled with the automation of online testing, scoring, and reporting.
Features of the Stanford Achievement Test Series
- The standard of achievement testing for over 80 years
- Valid and reliable evaluations trusted by the education community
- Peer-reviewed and scientifically based content and normative standards
- Grade-appropriate content reflecting current state and national standards
- Easy-hard-easy question format – items arranged to facilitate student engagement and test completion
- Materials to support interpretation, instruction, and parent communication
Stanford 10 Online
- Determines student achievement in real time
- Engaging for students
- Ease of online administration
- Immediate and reliable data
- Reduces costs and time needed to evaluate student achievement
- No commitment on the part of the school to store, distribute, organize and ship test booklets or answer documents
- Available for grades 3 through 12
- Online testing tools such as rulers, highlighter, calculator, and mathematics reference sheets are included
- Content areas include reading, language, spelling, mathematics, science, and social science
- Proctoring functionality that allows the proctor or teacher to follow the progress of each student
Scoring and Reporting
- Immediate scoring and reporting
- Immediate normative analysis
- 2002 and 2007 norms available
- Reports available for the home (in English or Spanish), student, group, school, and district levels
- Reports can be disaggregated
Online Testing Features
- Minimal computer system requirements
- Online computer system check tool to evaluate student computers for readiness
- Mac® and PC compatible
- Online web-based testing platform requiring minimal bandwidth
- Delivery via an Application Service Provider (ASP) model requiring no additional software or hardware installation
- Secure browser feature ensures security of the test and student data
Minimum System Requirements for Stanford 10 Online Testing
The following system specifications will provide the best online testing experience. The
specifications which must be met are noted with an asterisk. All other specifications are
Windows Computers:
Supported Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher and the Secure Browser for Windows
Operating System: Windows 98, 2000, Windows XP or Windows Vista
Processor: 233 MHz or higher Intel Pentium/Celeron family, or AMD K6/Althlon/Duron
family; or compatible processor
RAM: 128 MB or higher
Display: 17" display at 1024 x 768 with 16-bit color (65,536 High Color) or higher
Internet Connection: Broadband/High-Speed connection
Macintosh Computers:
Supported Browser: Apple Safari 2.0 or higher and the Secure Browser for Mac OS X
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 or higher
Processor: PowerPC G3, G4, or G5 processor; or Intel-based Mac
RAM: 256 MB or higher
Display: 17" display at 1024 x 768 with 16-bit color or higher
Internet Connection: Broadband/High-Speed connection
Additions to Student Workstations:
Browser: Pearson Browser
Tools: Flash v8
Alternate for Administrators and Proctors:
Supported Browser: May alternately use Firefox 2.0 or higher
All Computers Used for Sample Tests:
Pop-Up Blockers: Pop-up blockers must allow pop-up windows from the testing site
Cookies: Cookies must be enabled