Generally Stanford Achievement Test will be administered during the month of April each year. For the students in Kindergarten, first and second grades who participate in SAT-10 testing in reading and math usually given in April of each year over a three or four day period.
SAT-10 measures important reading components from recognizing sounds and letters to
word identification to vocabulary and comprehension skills.
These are the test components for each grade level:
- Sounds and Letters (25 minutes)
- Word Reading (25 minutes)
- Sentence Reading (30 minutes)
First Grade:
- Word Study Skills (20 minutes)
- Word Reading (25 minutes)
- Sentence Reading (30 minutes)
- Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)
Second Grade:
- Word Study Skills (20 minutes)
- Reading Vocabulary (20 minutes)
- Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)
SAT-10 subtests measure math content and processes identified by the National Council
of Teachers of Mathematics including number sense and operations, patterns,relationships, and measurement.
These are the test components for each grade level:
- Total Math (30 minutes)
First Grade:
- Problem Solving (50 minutes)
- Procedures (30 minutes)
- Second Grade: Problem Solving (50 minutes)
- Procedures (30 minutes)
Can you please tell me where to find a technical manual or test specifications for the SAT 10 grade 2 reading comprehension measure? I am only interested in finding out the average length of the text passages, and I cannot find that information anywhere. Thanks for any help you can provide.
When will the SAT-10 start creating their tests based on the Common Core standards. It seems that the creators of the test are very unfamiliar with them.
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